Morpho: Joint Forms and Muscular Functions
(Autor) Michel LauricellaIn Morpho: Joint Forms and Muscular Functions, artist and teacher Michel Lauricella presents a unique approach to learning to draw the human form. In this book, Lauricella offers a mechanical vision of the body, allowing us to see the important connections between the body's joints and its muscular functions. By reducing joint shapes to very simple forms, such as the pulley and the sphere, and then demonstrating the relationships that muscles have to these joints, you acquire much more insight into both the shape and movements of the human body, which in turn improves your powers of observation and thus your drawing skills. Geared toward artists of all levels--from beginners through professionals--this handy, pocket-sized book will help spark your imagination and creativity. (Publisher's Note: This book features an "exposed" binding style. This is intentional, as it is designed to help the book lay flat as you draw.) Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Head and Neck Torso Upper Limbs Lower Limbs Resources