Green Lantern/Green Arrow
Hard Travelin' Heroes Omnibus
(Autor) Dennis O'NeilThe Emerald Archer and the greatest space lawman who ever lived team-up to take on problems in society right under their own feet on planet earth. Should a hero be concerned with the galaxy when they can't help their own planet? It's a pointed question that Green Arrow asks to Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) point blank in the Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Travelin' Heroes Omnibus. Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams tackle subjects in this superhero story that had never been seen in mainstream comics prior. Travel across the United States with Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan as their superhero alter egos to understand the subtleties of issues that our country was facing in the 1970s.
Dennis O'Neil
Dennis O'Neil was a prolific comic book writer known for revitalizing characters like Batman and Green Arrow. His work was characterized by gritty realism, complex characters, and socially relevant storytelling. O'Neil's contributions to literature include redefining the superhero genre and exploring deeper themes of justice and morality.