The New EU Competition Law
(Autor) Pablo Ibanez ColomoThis innovative new textbook offers a unifying analytical framework cutting across cases and sectors for students of competition law. This fresh approach breaks down the traditional substantive/institutional approach ensuring that the student is offered the broadest possible perspective and deepest understanding of the issues at play at the heart of EU competition law. At the same time, it makes meaningful contributions to existing debates in concrete areas by offering a fresh perspective on well- trodden arguments. Material is clearly organised into two parts, the first of which explores the features of this 'new' EU competition law and proposes an analytical framework against which the evolution of the field can be assessed. The second part addresses some of the most salient recent cases, which would be examined as manifestations of the field. Thought-provoking, engaging and informative, this is required reading for all students of the subject.
Pablo Ibanez Colomo
Pablo Ibanez Colomo is a Spanish author known for his novel "The Invisible City," a haunting exploration of memory and loss. His writing style is characterized by lyrical prose and intricate symbolism. Colomo's work has made a significant contribution to contemporary literature, captivating readers with its depth and beauty.