An eminent doctor is visited by a desperate woman with a question: am I evil, or insane? When the letters from Italian servant to his wife in London suddenly cease, she is convinced he has been murdered. In the darkened bedroom of a mouldering palazzo by the Grand Canal, an English lord sickens and suddenly dies. How are these little mysteries connected? Spend the night in Room 14 of Veniceâe(tm)s finest hotel, and find out the truth âe" if you dareâe¦ INCLUDES THE GHOST STORY âe~THE DREAM WOMANâe(tm)
Wilkie Collins
Wilkie Collins was a prominent English novelist and playwright in the 19th century, known for his innovative detective fiction and sensational novels. His most notable works include "The Woman in White" and "The Moonstone," which are considered classics in the mystery genre. Collins was a pioneer in incorporating elements of suspense, intrigue, and psychological depth into his storytelling, influencing later writers like Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. His intricate plots, complex characters, and vivid descriptions continue to captivate readers today, cementing his legacy as a master of Victorian literature.