WHAT IF YOUR FUTURE LIES IN THE PAST? 'One word- wonderful. Two words- compulsive reading. Three words- buy it tomorrow. Four words- tonight, if possible.' STEPHEN KING 'A thoroughly absorbing, page-turning narrative.' SUNDAY TIMES 'Genuinely thrilling.' DAILY TELEGRAPH Dusk is gathering as a young priest, Christopher Fairfax, rides across a silent land. He must arrive at a remote village in the wilds of Exmoor before night falls. He's lost and he's becoming anxious as he slowly picks his way across a countryside strewn with the ancient artefacts of a civilisation that seems to have ended in cataclysm. What Fairfax cannot know is that, in the days and weeks to come, everything he believes in will be tested as he uncovers a secret that is as dangerous as it is terrifying . . . ' Harris takes us on a thrilling ride while serving up serious food for thought.' SUNDAY EXPRESS 'A truly surprising future-history thriller. Fabulous, really.' EVENING STANDARD 'The book's real power lies in its between-the-lines warning that our embrace of the internet represents some kind of sleepwalk into oblivion. It's a provocative, tub-thumping sci-fi of which H. G. Wells might have been proud.' DAILY MAIL 'Harris' latest work intelligently warps historical fiction and tackles issues of religion, science and the apocalypse in the process. As he flexes his imagination, you will be left pondering as often as you are page-turning.' HERALD 'A brilliantly imaginative thriller' READER'S DIGEST There are currently two different covers and possibly a mix of stock until December 2022. They will be assigned at random. #1 Bestseller in the UK, Sunday Times, September 2019

Robert Harris
Robert Harris is a bestselling British author known for his historical fiction and thrillers. Born on March 7, 1957, in Nottingham, England, Harris began his career as a journalist before turning to fiction. His acclaimed works include Fatherland, Pompeii, and the Cicero Trilogy, blending meticulous research with gripping storytelling. Many of his novels explore political intrigue, history, and power dynamics. Harris’s books have been translated into multiple languages and adapted for film and television, establishing him as a master of historical and political fiction.