The Amazing Spider-Man: Hunted Omnibus
(Autor) Nick SpencerWhen Kraven returns, Spider-Man becomes the hunted! Sergei Kravinoff and his minions have been kidnapping animal-themed superhumans for months, and they need one more to complete the collection: the Spider. But what does Kraven want with all of them?! In Central Park, the prey is let loose, and the hunt begins - but Kraven isn't the one in pursuit. Who has Spidey in their crosshairs? Peter Parker will find himself in a horrible situation, but there are lives - innocent and otherwise - at stake. How will the web-slinger save them all? Or can he?! Collecting, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2018) #16-23 AND AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2018) #16.HU, 18.HU-20.HU.
Nick Spencer
Nick Spencer is an American comic book writer known for his work on "Captain America" and "The Amazing Spider-Man." His writing style is characterized by intricate plots, compelling character development, and thought-provoking themes. Spencer's contributions to literature include revitalizing iconic superheroes and exploring complex moral dilemmas in the modern world.